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You attract what you vibrate! So vibrate with happiness!

Writer's picture: Nathalie LEFRANCOISNathalie LEFRANCOIS

November 17, 2021

A few years ago I came across a book that was a revelation to me: Anything can be healed. This book literally changed my way of seeing things. Indeed, everyone knows that the physical body of the human being responds to the laws of physics, but the human body, like any element of nature and the Universe, is also made up of molecules and atoms, i.e. of energy.

Our body therefore also responds to the laws of Energy. This is very important to understand in order to grasp the many energy techniques that exist today.

More simply, your body is made up of atoms and molecules, and as a result, it emits energy and receives it.

Your body is a transmitter/receiver of energy

Without going into complex details, we emit and receive energy through the energy particles that make up our bodies.

Our bodies are therefore surrounded by an energetic halo that some people call an aura.

When a body or an object emits energy continuously, it is said to vibrate or emit vibratory energy. Vibrational energy means frequencies and waves.

Our body, when it is in good health, radiates with a certain frequency. In the same way, any organ will emit a given frequency. When it is out of balance, its frequencies are also altered.

Everything vibrates around us and within us. We are all bathed in an energetic and vibratory field.

When you think, you emit a vibration, a wave. If you always think about the same thing, you will continuously emit a certain vibration.

This explains why we hear a lot about vibrational rates and vibrational medicines. I see these new disciplines as the basis for the medicine of tomorrow. More and more people are attracted to these techniques, because they rebalance not only the body but the whole being.

Here is an example that is obvious to me. Shingles is a well known disease and is the symptom of the chicken pox virus that wakes up in a person. This virus wakes up below a certain vibratory threshold. For magnetists, it is one of the easiest diseases to treat because it just requires to cut the fire and to raise the vibratory rate of a person to see the shingles disappear.

Fire talkers are another proof that working at the energetic level does wonders for the physical body.

The higher your vibrational level, the stronger your immune system is and the less viruses can penetrate.

The key to staying healthy is to do everything you can to keep your vibrational level as high as possible.

Maintain your vibratory rate? Yes, but how?

Any stress or unconscious blockage can lead to a decrease in your vibratory rate, and even your negative thoughts can lower your vibratory rate.

There are a thousand and one ways to raise your vibratory rate, the most difficult is to maintain it and this requires a healthy lifestyle, a healthy way of thinking and above all a cleansing of blockages.

The human being is made to vibrate in unison with nature. If he vibrates at lower frequencies, sooner or later this will affect his physical body and lead to sickness.

Stress should be enemy number one. The more stressed you are, the more you contract internally and the more you affect your vibratory rate. So learning to manage stress is essential.

Some will tell you that stress can be beneficial and I would say to a certain extent. Stress becomes harmful when it is constant or too high for too long.

Similarly, if you spend your time ruminating sad or distressing things, you affect your vibratory rate.

But there are also all the unconscious blockages that will lead to a repetition of certain problems or situations.

Learning to be aware of what is going on within you is crucial to becoming aware of the internal tensions that need to be addressed or at least becoming aware of what is affecting you internally.

In the previous article, the two exercises presented can be great tools to maintain your vibratory rate. (10 minutes for YOURSELF and the 5 golden rules)

How can you tell when you are stressed?

It may seem obvious but some people are so stressed and have been for so long that they don't even realise it and think it's their nature. If you find it hard to go to bed with peace of mind at night, or if you immediately think about your work when you wake up, if you find it hard to be present when you do something? If you have no other interests than your work? If you see your friends less and less? If you wake up several times during the night and have difficulty falling back to sleep, if you often say "I can't, I must, I have to" ....

It may be that all these outward signs are there but that you no longer see them. Ask people around you if you are stressed, their answer may surprise you.

How can we ensure that there are no blockages preventing the correct vibration?

We have a wonderful tool at our disposal for this. Our body.

The inner pendulum, listening to your body or using the muscle test are all ways to detect the presence of blockage(s).

We all have the ability to listen to our bodies.

Unfortunately, we learned early on to ignore these signs. The good news is that we can learn to listen again.

The secret is to listen to the tension in our bodies.

Take a break and listen

If you crave something, and nothing happens despite your best efforts, then take a break and listen to your body.

Remember, your body is the spokesperson of your unconscious and your unconscious is the one that directs your life. More exactly, it is the one that attracts what you are experiencing.

So if despite all your efforts, nothing changes or happens, check that you do not have an unconscious blockage.

See below, the exercises suggested for listening.

The Law of Attraction: A matter of emission

The law of attraction that we hear a lot about is not as simple as some would have us believe: Issue a request to the Universe and expect it to be granted.

The Law of Attraction says that if you send out a certain vibration, you will attract the same thing by resonance.

For this to work, you have to be able to keep emiting the same vibration to attract what you want.

If you ask for a new job and stay at home with your arms folded, chances are you won't find any work.

So if you want something, you have to vibrate it. Vibrate it with your whole being, conscious, unconscious, thoughts, in your heart. This simply means that if you want to be happy, you must start by changing your thoughts to emit positive waves. And that in a prolonged and recurring way. To do this, you must ensure that you have no blockage that would hinder the emission of the right vibration.

In a word, maintain the right vibration.

The « reticular formation »

I recently heard about the « reticular formation » and its function. I found this information very interesting. To put it simply, it is a kind of filter that we have in the brain that allows the unconscious to filter the information that comes back to our consciousness.

What you need to know is that we are constantly bombarded with billions of pieces of information and the processing of this information is done unconsciously. Only a tiny part of it reaches our consciousness. This tiny part is the result of the filter that is the "reticular formation". And guess what's in that filter?

What you focus on...

So, if you think about something often, you will add it to your « reticular formation » and any information related to that something will then come into your consciousness. If not, you're out of luck. If the information reaches your consciousness, you can act and seize the opportunities that arise. If not, you won't even be aware of the opportunities.

This means that if you focus your attention on what you want, all the related information will come to you if you think about it often.

If you focus your attention on what you don't want, you will only receive the information you don't want and you will feel like you are only seeing the negative.

Everyone knows that reality is only a matter of perspective. The same situation has many facets and our « reticular formation » is like the filter that tints this reality.

Someone who focuses on a negative point will only see that negative point even if it is drowned in a sea of positives. It is like seeing only the black spot on the huge white board.

The black spot is your problems, the white is everything that is going well.

You always have a choice! So do it consciously!

There is always a choice. I can already hear some people exclaiming. Yeah, easy to say, sometimes you're born or live in a toxic environment and you can't get out, you have no choice.

Well, YOU HAVE!!! I say it anyway! You have a choice in the response to every situation.

At any point in our lives, we make choices without even realizing it. You don't like your job anymore, you stay anyway, so you made the choice to stay. Your relationship is falling apart, yet you are still in a relationship with the same person, so you have made the choice to stay. And I could go on.

What I mean is that no one puts a knife to your throat or a gun to your head all the time to force you to stay in your job, in a relationship or in a situation that doesn't suit you. No one is. You have made a choice to stay at some point.

Most of the time it's an unconscious choice. But it's a choice nonetheless. You may have made a choice, weighing the risks, to leave, to stay. But you have CHOSEN! It's neither right nor wrong. It's just an awareness, we all make choices, even unconscious ones!

In the same way you have the choice to manage your thoughts, your reactions, in most situations.

For example, we spend almost a third of our time at work, so you might as well have a job you like. And if it doesn't suit you, take stock of the pros and cons and think about why you stay. Make the choice to stay or look for something else consciously.

There is no right answer, there is your answer. You have free will, no one is forcing you to accept anything.

And staying is as commendable a choice as changing. It takes courage in both cases, to take responsibility.

The decision to stay can be followed by a decision to change something that will make the choice much more acceptable, and not staying does not necessarily mean throwing everything away.

Even in the most difficult situations, there is a choice to be made with every thought, every moment, every decision. And if you can't make it, that's okay, there's always someone to help you if you know how to look in the right place, or listen at the right time.

What are you willing to change in your life?

If you want to change a situation, there is bound to be something to change in you. Same causes, same effects. And it's still a choice.

I'm not saying it's easy or difficult, but we all have our part of responsibility for what we experience. It's important to recognise this and to be aware of it. Because it gives you the power to consciously decide.

The power to choose

You ALWAYS have the choice of the response. Don't leave it to anyone else or do it in consciousness.

When you take back this power, strangely enough, it becomes easier because you take back your part of the responsibility and you do it in consciousness instead of helplessly.

Experiments / Exercises

Experiment 1: Experience your inner pendulum

  1. Stand with your arms at your sides (not as on the picture).

  2. Take a deep breath and exhale.

  3. Focus your attention on your hara - see the picture - the point in the centre of the body

  4. Breathe deeply. Several times.

  5. Say "My name is "your name"" out loud.

  6. Let your body go and notice how it feels in the next 3 seconds after saying the sentence.

  7. Write down your feelings in your notebook (pleasant, not pleasant, heavy, light, stable, unstable, forward, backward ...).

  8. Stay focused on your hara.

  9. Say "My name is anything" out loud and let your body go.

  10. Note your sensations on your notebook (pleasant, not pleasant, heavy, light, stable, unstable, forward, backward ...)

You should feel different sensations. If this is not the case, start again, letting your body go. Do not lock any joints. Don't fall down either!

When to use it? Until you are confident in the test.

Frequency: The more you do it, the more reliable the result will be.

Time: 30 s

Difficulty: Easy.

Effectiveness: Very useful. Especially the first part in case of stress, a few breaths centred on the hara, helps to calm down.

My opinion: This exercise allows you to reconnect to your body, the first part allows you to centre yourself.

Exercise 2: Choosing in accordance with your unconscious

Take a choice you have to make, you are hesitating between two options or two decisions to make.

Write down each option on a piece of paper, one per piece of paper.

  1. Take a deep breath

  2. Bring your attention to your hara.

  3. Let your body go, relax

  4. Take each option in turn in your hand without looking at what is written on the paper so as not to influence the test. (Do this with another person if necessary) and let your body go. Record the sensations for each option.

You should have a paper, while you have it in your end where that feels the same as when you do the test with your first name. If none of them are very clear, try again later.

When to use it? Whenever you are unsure of a choice to make.

Frequency: The more you do it, the more reliable the result will be.

Time: 30 seconds

Difficulty: Easy.

Effectiveness: Very useful.

My opinion: This exercise helps you to regain confidence in your intuition.

Exercise 3: Bring back consciousness in a situation that doesn't suit you

Take a situation that does not suit you - start with a situation that is not too difficult. Example: you can't stand always being the one to take out the garbage bag.

  1. Make two columns on a sheet of paper in your notebook

  2. The first column will be if you keep taking out the garbage bag

  3. The second column is if you do not take out the garbage bag

  4. In each column, write down what it brings you and what it costs you.

  5. Again, be honest, no one will read your notebook.

  6. In general, writing down what it costs you in both columns should already give you some idea of what to do.

  7. Now at the very bottom in the middle, note whether a compromise would satisfy you.

This little exercise seems very simple, but if you do it consciously, not only will you get to know yourself better, but the fact that you are making a conscious choice will miraculously lighten the weigth of the situation.

When to use it? When you feel lost and don't know what to choose.

Frequency: Whenever you feel that you are being subjected to a situation.

Time: 2 mins.

Difficulty: Easy.

Effectiveness: Very useful.

My opinion: The bonus of this exercise is that it allows you to give each situation its true priority, to get out of robot and submission mode.

To go further:

I hope you enjoyed this article and that these tips will help you.

Don't hesitate to share and leave a comment if you feel like it and/or if you have any questions.

Bye for now


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