Ericksonian Hypnosis - Certified Practitioner
A session in Ericksonian Hypnosis is not what we believe most of the time, it is an accompaniment in a modified state of consciousness to help you draw from your personal resources depending on your problem, which can be of any kind. .
The modified state of consciousness known as the hypnotic state is a natural state in which you pass every 90 minutes, on waking for example (where you are not quite awake) or when you are driving and you say to yourself "Ah , I'm already there ”).
After a hypnosis session, the state of mind experienced during the session can be reactivated thanks to an anchoring at any time. Hypnosis makes it possible to create new neural circuits and thus to change perspective and to move towards a well-being.
Ericksonian hypnosis for what?
Chronic pain.
Allow yourself to do
Changing a self behavior
Get rid of a fear
Free yourself from something
Help in setting up a project that means a lot for you
Animal Communication
Animal communication allows you to communicate remotely with your pet and to get answers to a given problem. Coupled with a session in global harmonization, it is very effective in relieving your animal or simply understanding what he has to say to us.
Aromatherapy advice
For 2 years now, I have been training in aromatherapy and have been able to test the effectiveness of essential oils on various issues. As an accompaniment, essential oils are very effective on the physical, energetic and emotional level.
I could advise you on synergies in essential oils according to your needs.